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Tired ot paying monthly subscription fees, or a charge to list your show, just to be able to sell tickets to your events? Get on-board with hewTIX, the monthly service and fee-free alternative to selling event tickets. With hewoTIX, you build and maintain a ticket database for all events, without having to pay any monthly subscription charge or service fee to sell your tickets. hewoTIX simply adds a small fee that each customer pays to your ticket price, so you keep all of the revenue from your ticket sale.

hewoTIX uses as the financial transaction and revenue reporting system. Each venue will receive their own unique login where all ticket sales and transactions are tracked, including charts and data for gross revenue, customers, payments, any failed payments. You can even issue a refund to a customer if necessary from within

To get your venue setup with hewoTIX, download the app and when the login screen appears, press the "Sign Me Up" button. Fill out the simple form with information about the venue(s) that you book for, and who to contact about your hewoTIX account. You will receive a response from our support team with more information about hewoTIX. Our support team will then create your user account, and get all of the back-end data created to support your venue. You will need to provide to your banking information to receive ticket revenue. BANKING AND FINANCIAL DATA IS CONFIDENTIAL BETWEEN YOU AND STRIPE.COM. The hewoTIX staff cannot view or change your banking or financial data.

So quit paying someone to sell tickets to your events. Get on-board with hewoTIX.

hewoTIX is part of the hewo family of products. Get the hewo app, a geosocial networking database for Individuals in the music business. Build your brand with hewo, and sell your event tickets with hewoTIX, both for the iPhone and iPad, and all Android devices.
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